
Mar 5, 2013

Nail Art Tutorial : Gothic Lolita Nails

It's been ages since I did any nail art tutorial. Since I have so much time right now, I'm hoping I could do more of these. This is quite simple so I decided to make it a written tutorial only. I used a combination of regular lavender nail polish from Etude House in PP903 and and on top of that is shimmery lavender PP905. I combined it because the shimmer one would be too light if I were to use it on its own. The dark silver nail polish is from Barry M. Magnetic Nail Paints.

I don't have any glitter nail polish so I just combine some chunky yellow and fine black glitters with a clear nail polish. On your thumb, apply it on the tip but for the rest, I applied it on the base where my nail gems will be placed.

I simply form a cross on my middle finger with the round gems. I see a lot of cross designs in jewelries so I thought of putting it on my nails instead. For the rest of my nails, I put some tear drop shape on the side of the circle gem. For the index and the ring finger, the gems are on the side but for the pinky, I placed it on the center of the base since it's too small.


Janet said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

cute nail art! loved it ^_~

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