Last year, I wasn't really blogging on regular intervals. I guess its time to put it on my priority list and schedule my blogging at least once a week. I read a blog post from The Dark Side of Beauty about her "Project No Buy". She set rules to minimize her spending and rules to reward herself with money that she could spend. In my case, I'm going to set-up rules to encourage myself to blog more often. I know I owe a lot of posts to my readers and I'm really thankful for sticking with me in spite of the lack of post
. So here it is:
Rules :
1. I need to blog at least once a week. Schedule will be set on Sunday.
2. In every post, I will reward myself with an amount depending on the category.
3. Every time I miss posting on a Sunday, I will deduct 20% from my entire blog rewards.
4. Posting on a day other than Sunday will earn me 20% more of my blog rewards for that particular post.
5. Even if I post on a regular day, I still need to make a post on a Sunday or it'll be as if I missed it.
6. Giveaway posts are not counted.
7. If I'll be gone for a while, I need to make a post before I leave or as soon as I get back (with pictures for proof)
Rewards :
1. Fashion Posts : Php200
2. Video/Power Point Tutorial : Php175
3. FOTD : Php1504. Written Tutorial : Php100
5. Reviews and Swatches : Php75
6. Random Posts : Php50
You must be thinking why I would reward myself the highest with a fashion related post. I'm just not that fashionable and I always chose to wear the most common because I'm more comfortable with it. I'm not the kind who would play dress-up, strike a pose and then publish it online. It takes a lot of confidence for me to do that and I really want to improve my fashion sense.
I will put a blog rewards counter page to honestly monitor my progress. About the rewards, it'll be my unnecessary beauty products budget. That way, I would also minimize spending too much of my regular budget and monitor how much money I have allotted for not so important beauty product.
I hope this works well. Advance Happy Chinese New Year everyone !!!
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